[row snaps=”0000″][column size=”12″ offset=”0″ content_align=”left” use_paddings=”false” padding=””] [quote author=”” ]ISI LeanTek a US based company that provides its clients with the latest in Lean material handling, smart ergonomics, and kitted part presentation. They wanted to develop a tool that can track the production on the work floor on a daily, monthly and yearly basis along with other features such as scrap, production variation cause, scrap cause etc to give the effective lean manufacturing instruction. We helped them to develop this unique tool called leancloudsuite.[/quote][/column][/row][row snaps=”0000″][column size=”12″ offset=”0″ content_align=”left” use_paddings=”false” padding=””] [slider ]1476[/slider][text_box background_color=”#242424″ border_width=”1″ border_style=”solid” border_color=”#242424″ vertical_padding=”20″ horizontal_padding=”20″ ]
Technology: Drupal
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It started with a detailed study of their requirement and analysis of its feasibility with help of various flow charts and layout diagram. These studies helped us in developing a frame work of the project. The application mainly consists of two parts, namely the worker’s end from where the feeding in of data during production happens and the other is the managerial end when the tracking and analysis happens. Apart from this there would also be administrative access to the higher management in tracking all the process. Unique features of developing a sub branch or a co-company is given to the application at a super admin level access; this makes the handling of each company production separately.
Worker’s page of the application was provided with the option to enter production, scrap count, downtime tracker and causes entering feature in a drop down format, it also gave them the option of suggestion page and their production level indicator for each hour. On the other hand the managers page had the provision to assign and track data of the work floor. Managers assign the shift hours, production target, change over timings and product changes in the work flow before hand. They also have this tracking system for production data and separate menu to analyze them. The graphical representation feature gives it a more pictorial understanding.
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A dynamic production tracking device was developed for ISI LeanTek and it helped them provide their clients with better lean manufacturing solution.