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“Website” which once thought about as requirement of  big organizations alone has now become requirement of small shops and individuals to have a edge over the others. Business in recent times is incomplete without a website, it has become the key source of client attraction and interaction. E-comerce websites have changed the view point of business in itself and has removed the necessity of having a layout to sell your goods. This is the future and it is inevitable.

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We at splendio technologies understand its crucial nature and give great importance in building a competent website for our client. A website which is not only customized as per the client need but also standing out in technology, quality is something which we will never compromise with. We love challenges and innovation in the field of web design, as this has been our core competency from the beginning.

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We do almost all kind of website with various features, starting from simple websites to E-commerce sites , we basically divide them into two types.

  •  Non-Responsive model :- Those websites which don’t have the ability to adapt itself for mobiles and other devices apart from normal computers.
  • Responsive Model :- These are the modern ones which will adapt to both normal computers and mobiles or other devices with any OS.
